Important important

1:25 AM / Posted by Mathew Wong /

Hey guys,

I think it's time for me to give you a little heads up about what's about to happen.. As you all already know, the probable date for the HO cheerleading competition is most likely to be 17th Jan, which is exactly a month away from today. One month is not really a long period of time, neither is it so short that we can't do anything else. Just to keep you all in perspective, the deadline is drawing nearer and nearer...

I understand that most of you have a much busier life than myself in hall - many of you are involved in meetings, matches, trainings for ISG as well as IHG. And I can pretty much know how tiring it is toil in the day for the games and come for training at night. I can't ask you all to give priority to cheer (think the sports secs will kill me if that happens), but I hope at least that you come for trainings.

We're a team, and hence we depend on one another. The stunt groups are almost finalised already, and hence if we are short of a few people the whole thing just won't work at all! I know that it is possible to rotate the bases and flyers, but imagine that if every training we've to do that, the bases and flyers who come consistently would be taxed out even before the actual competition. It might even cause them to fall badly due to lack of proper rest and rotation.. We only have 25 people, and we really hope to keep it that way... we don't wanna lose anyone because in our hall 16 cheer family, NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND.

Hence, it is really essential that everyone turns up for training, and is consistent. Punctuality is hard when you have outside commitments, I can understand, but I would (and Sharon and Bao Rui would to) appreciate if you all could inform before hand so that we can make arrangements to the training programme. At the end of the day, we want EVERYONE to be able to train and be part of the routine.

Today's training was, not very productive, because not everyone was able to turn up. Perhaps it's because Sharon and Bao Rui (towgay) and Citra are both not here, so some may believe that going for today's training meant they won't learn much. The two flyers and the bases who came down today felt that they were overutilised, but yet there was nothing I can do about it. I sincerely plea to all our teammates that if you are in hall, please make an effort to come down for training... it's for yourself and for us too.

Citra has already spoken that we have great potential... so we really gotta hang on together. I know for some of you this might be overbearing and tough, and probably stretching your limits.. but hey, you only live once, and cheerleading opportunities like this don't come easy.. especially when we have such a funky and enthusiastic coach who's gonna guide us along..

We've alot of dedicated people in the team.. I thank you for your dedication to our team, and for rushing down from work, meetings, ISG/IHG, it really means alot, and makes our training a whole lot easier. For the rest, I hope that you would be able to come down and train with us more often, because all of your presence are needed for the routine!

I know this sounds rather uptight and strict, but honestly speaking, we don't have alot of time to do this. Just one more month and this will be all over. It is really up to us whether we want to get something at the end of the day and put in the efforts required (which is not hard... really) or we waste all our previous trainings and get nothing in return.. I'm sure all team xtreme cheerleaders would agree that it is worth fighting for..

Let's jiayou together okay? Don't give up! Fighto fighto, ne! Ganbaru yo!


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